2nd Annual G-Spot Invitational
The holding period for this year's G-Spot Invitational has been moved up a month to Saturday 24 or Sunday 25. The decision will be based upon a close analysis of all pertinent indicators, such as swell size/direction, wind speed/direction, tide and, most importantly, the severity of the contestants' hang-overs. The question is whether it is better to surf early Saturday with slight grogginess or midday Sunday with mind-numbing morning after pains?
Those in attendance last year will remember the G-Spot Invitational for its stellar conditions, top-notch performances and overall good times. With swell sizes potentially reaching the twenty foot range, the 2nd Annual event should prove to be even better. So stick some bubble gum in those dings, darn the holes in your wet suits and wax up the boards because this weekend is the main event. An award ceremony will follow the event to honor the best of the beasts in the following categories: Best Wipe Out, Longest Ride, Biggest Wave, Best Picture, Smallest Wave and Best Tube.
Good Luck!